Swim Lessons

The last two previous weeks Alea and I have participated in Parent and Tot swim lessons.   Alea LOVED the water and loved every minute of going swimming.  Each day this week she has asked to go bye bye to the water.  She has no fear in the water.  As Jon keeps saying a little healthy fear wouldn’t be bad.  She would go under the water easily.  She however  was so excited about swimming she often would not close her mouth.  She definitely drank a lot of water those two weeks.  She loved jumping off the side.  She really got into kicking her legs and floating.  She is my little fish for sure.  We took the lessons with two good friends of mine with girls close to Alea’s age and all three of us are expecting our second babies.  The three girls are friends by default but I think all of us Mama’s are fine with that.  They are pretty cute to see together.  It was great to have friends in class.  It was a fun two weeks for sure!

Alea with her certificate of class completion

Lilly, Alea, Evalana

Half way point

Little Tiny One (dots above his/her head is fingers)

A quick post to update you on the baby. We had our midway dr appt last Thursday.  Hard to believe that I am half way through this pregnancy.  We were able to have an ultra sound on Thursday and everything is looking great!  My fluids are normal (they were very high with Alea) and at them moment little bean is an average size.   He/She is a mover and shaker!  I am still feeling sick most days I would love for that to end!  We discussed with our dr about having a repeat c-section or try for a vbac (vaginal birth after a c-section).  The decision that both Jon, I and our dr is comfortable with is scheduling a c-section for a week or less from my due date but if  I should go into labor naturally and all looks favorable then I will try for the vbac.  Since I went into labor early with Alea I wanted to know what my options were.  I appreciate so much the relationship we have with our dr. Jon and I trust him and really love that he is matter of fact and talks us through all our options.    I am getting excited to meet this little one!