Our boy has arrived

I know that I am so behind in telling the story of Nehemiah’s birth.  I feel like life is settling down a little and I would really like to get back to blogging a bit.  If nothing else it helps me remember things that have occurred in our family.  So Nehemiah Colin Nelson arrived on November 17, 2010.  His birth was drastically different then his sister’s. We went to the hospital on the 15th with what ended up being false labor pains.  So on the 17th we went in for a scheduled c-section.  It was so much more relaxed.  Jon and I took photographs as if we were tourist rather then about to have a baby.


We got all checked in and set up.  I was having pretty intense labor pains at this point.  Which I was not suppose to have to go through that! Anyway we got a late start waiting for my dr to finish with another surgery.  This time it was laid back getting ready as well.  With Alea they did an emergency c-section so they through stuff at Jon to put on, and wheeled me in quickly. Once again this time we had time to document the occasion.  How else would we ever pass the time?


They took me in first.  I think putting my spinal block in was one of the most painful things.  I had the privilege of having my OBYN operate and our family doctor assist.   Both of our doctors I adore.  We joked and talked through out the procedure.  It was a bit surreal.   As they got closer to pulling him out we made last minute guesses on if the baby was a boy or a girl.  Dr. Brunner and I said girl and Jon and Dr. Moulton said boy.  So they pulled him out and Dr. Bruner was like ohhhhh!! Which means what?  is what I was thinking.  Dr. Moulton then said, Jon what is it?  And Jon said boy!  It’s a boy!  Welcome to the world Nehemiah Colin Nelson.  My eyes filled with tears.  I could hear him giving out great cries.  Music to a mother’s ears in that situation.  I was anxious to see him and hold him.



He weighed in at 8 lbs 11 ozs.  He was 19.5 inches long.  Once we got to the recovery room I was able to feed him right away and he did great.  He is a very good baby.  We does have a cry that cracks us up.  We call it the Aflack cry.  If you have seen the commercials the duck on there says aflack.  Nehemiah sounds like that!

Alea adores her little brother.  She was very excited to wear her ‘big sister” shirt!  She is very protective of him.  She did not like any nurses taking him.  She was also weary of who was holding him and would often check with Jon or I if it was okay.





We are enjoying every moment with our kids.  They are both a true gift from God.  It’s an awesome sometimes overwhelming responsibility that God has placed us with.  Jon and I pray daily that both Alea and Nehemiah would become who God created them to be in His purpose and that we help that journey rather then get in the way of it.  I am in love with this little boy full of sweetness and his big sister full of wonder.